An anonymous member of our “COMPLAINT SINGAPORE” Facebook group had sent us a video showing a cyclist riding dangerously in the middle lane of a typical “three-lane” road along Pasir Ris Industrial Drive 1, on 1st May 2021, at around 11am.
Source: A.N. (*Note: Identity is masked for privacy concern)
Here is the extract of the original complaint message sent to us:
“This happened on 1 May, around 11am, along Pasir Ris Industrial Drive 1 which has a speed limit of 60KM/hr. We were driving at 50km/hr and upon seeing the 2 cyclists from 100m away, we slowed to 25km/hr and gave 2 short, gentle car horns to alert them but the lady in the middle lane didn’t move out of the middle lane.
We came to almost to a halt until a car on the right passed than we overtook the cyclist in the middle lane safely. It was not a busy road but we do have cars behind and next to us.
As we passed the cyclist, my wife rolled down the window to tell them to keep to the left side. When we stopped at the traffic light, they were probably offended by her telling them to move left, they caught up with us and started screaming and hurling insults at us, saying that we were driving too fast, too dangerous and calling us names. Is this considered road rage? Does it not applied to cyclists as well? My wife told them firmly to “please stick to the left lane because it is dangerous ok” and but the guy kept shouting and name-calling her, insisting that they have right of way to be in the middle lane because they are going straight. They both kept saying, “We are right, we are going straight, you probably don’t have a driving licence!” The guy swore at us before riding off.
I have checked the law, they are not supposed to ride on the middle lane.
“Bicycle law (4) The rider of a bicycle, power-assisted bicycle, trishaw or tricycle on a road with 2 or more lanes for the use of vehicles travelling in the same direction may ride the bicycle, power‑assisted bicycle, trishaw or tricycle (as the case may be) in one lane such that it remains abreast and to the right of another rider of a bicycle, power‑assisted bicycle, trishaw or tricycle in that same lane and direction”
My wife and I, we are both drivers and cyclists. I spoke to other cyclists and I think many are not aware that they cannot ride on the middle lane going straight. We are angry at the situation but the more important aim here is to let all riders know that it is a traffic offense to ride 2 abreast in 2 lanes.”

Did you face similar dangerous and inconsiderate
actions by cyclists on Singapore roads?
Send Us a Complaint (*with Photographs & Videos) Today!
Email: complaintsingapore (at)